In keeping with the 4 Waves of Peacelights, Peacelights offers a number of programs. Each one fosters inner and outer peace at a different level, in a different way. Peace is a holistic matter, stretching from the personal to the political. Peacelights is an integrated approach.
Peacelights Coaching
Peacelights offers a step-by-step process to create deep connections with yourself and others, remove negativity from relationships not working for you, and free your energy to create a peaceful life that you love. Read more...
Peacelights Consulting
Peacelights Consulting is a focused, customized way to make the power of Peacelights work for your business or organization. Read more...
Connect for Peace
Peacelights Connect for Peace events are free, public street happenings that invite complete strangers to connect with one another in a spontaneous and open way. At Connect for Peace events, we join with one another in a network that is both symoblic and real. Uniting with others in the spirit of peace is a powerful, transformative emotional experience. Read more...