Friday Flicker (October 14, 2016)

Friday Flicker

This week’s Flicker is from our Connect for Peace street happenings, with a quote from furniture designer and architect Charles Eames: "Eventually everything connects—people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se."

Wishing you a great start to your weekend.


Friday Flicker (October 7, 2016)

Friday Flicker

This week’s Flicker is from our Connect for Peace street happenings, with a quote from comedian, conductor, and pianist Victor Borge: "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."

Wishing you a great start to your weekend.


Unite on the Ribbon of Peace

Unite on the Ribbon of Peace

by Joumana Rizk

You must ask
For what you really want
Don’t go back to sleep

Let yourself be silently drawn
By the stronger pull of what
You truly love.


Last month, we celebrated the International Day of Peace by going to Union Square in New York City and inviting passers-by to connect to each other in the name of peace. We have been doing these events since September 2010, when the first Connect for Peace was conceived of with the Peacelights Partners. As we let ourselves be drawn by the stronger pull of what we truly love, we are going out, beyond our circle, beyond our communities, to find ways that we can connect with others and share an experience of peace and intimacy. Because I really believe now is the time for that expansion.

What moves me so much is listening to the interviews of passers-by who join us. They share from their heart, they seem to understand what we are doing even more than we do. They expand on the subtle lessons learned in such a profound way. I’m so grateful for their contribution.

The title for our blog today comes from the interview above, in Spanish. In it, a candid man is asking for what he really wants: “We want peace in this country, we want tranquility, we want nothing else. We don’t want racism in this country. Friends, if you are listening, unite on the ribbon of peace." How beautifully said. Below are more interviews from participants in our event last month. Their words move me and inspire me. I hope you enjoy them.

Some people stumbled upon our street happening on their way home after a long day at work. Given the recent bombing in New York City, many New Yorkers were shaken up and thinking about what was going on in their city and in the world. This couple held resilient amidst all that was going on around them.

"We are all one light, we are all one drumbeat, we are all one heartbeat. I think we're the generation that can bring peace to this earth."

The bungee cords had a profound effect on how this participant perceived the world around him. It gave him hope that peace, while not easy, was possible.

"It was showing that peace was possible."

As New Yorkers are, we tend to ignore invitations to connect to strangers, but something caught her interest and she joined.

"First you have to connect to yourself, before you connect to anybody else."

If you found these interviews inspiring, please consider subscribing to our mailing list to stay up to date on our monthly blogs and weekly Friday Flickers, photos from our Connect for Peace event with inspirational quotes to help start your weekend. Please repost and share this blog to others who you think might appreciate it. Let's unite on the ribbon of peace!


Friday Flicker (September 30, 2016)

Friday Flicker

This week’s Flicker is from our Connect for Peace street happening at the Vigil 4 Peace & Ecology in Central Park, with a quote from writer, poet, and philosopher Suzy Kassem: "To become a true global citizen, one must abandon all notions of 'otherness' and instead embrace 'togetherness’."

Wishing you a great start to your weekend.


Friday Flicker (September 23, 2016)

Friday Flicker

We had an amazing time at Union Square this past Tuesday for our Connect for Peace street happening! Thanks to those of you who helped spread the word and to those who came out to join us. Below is our Friday Flicker with a photo from this week and a quote from poet, author and Jungian psychoanalyst Clarissa Pinkola Estés: "Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach."

Wishing you a great start to your weekend.


How You Can Advance World Peace This Month

How You Can Advance World Peace This Month

by Joumana Rizk

September is a special month for all of us who are working for peace. In 1981, September 21st was declared the International Day of Peace and there are so many amazing events taking place throughout the month, we could call it the International Month of Peace.

When I discuss our work at Peacelights, people often ask: What can a regular person like me do to advance world peace? Do you think what you’re attempting to do is realistic? Some of them are so busy with work, family, and various causes, they are tired. Maybe another time, they say. Others admit to being in conflict with their spouses, siblings, or neighbors. How can they take a stand for world peace, they wonder, if they don’t have peace in their personal lives? Still others doubt they deserve to stand for world peace when they don't have inner peace. Does this resonate with you?

If you can’t wait to jump in and participate in the peace activities, fantastic! Please scan the list below and join with many like-minded people. Or you can create your own event and we have resources below to help you. Whatever you decide to do, please take part because our impact multiplies when anyone joins us as we make a difference and advance world peace.


If you care about world peace but you have trouble showing up, you are not alone. My own inner peace is challenged right now after a packed summer of meeting great people and extending beyond my comfort zone. I’d prefer to curl up in a ball and sleep instead of going out into the streets and take a stand for peace. Do I really have to, I wonder, when I feel so conflicted internally? Will my efforts make a difference? Yesterday, when I was walking in Central Park, I realized that although I’m not what I would call a perfect stand for peace right now, if we wait to be completely peaceful to do our peace work, it may take lifetimes!

Peace work happens from the inside out and also from the outside in. When I was a theater director, I experimented with two opposite approaches to acting, those of Stanislavski and Meyerhold. Stanislavski said when you find the feeling, the physical expression will come. This is known as “the method” in the US, and is popular among movie actors. But Meyerhold approached acting from the outside in. Find the perfect form that represents the feeling, he said, and the feeling will come. Both approaches work, in acting and peace work.

“No effort no matter how small, will ever be wasted.” —Amma

Renowned spiritual teacher and world humanitarian Amma, never tires of saying: “No effort no matter how small, will ever be wasted.” We’re all interconnected, so our words and actions make a difference. And what we don't do or fail to say also makes an impact. I’ll be out there this month working for peace. Looks like curling up in a ball and sleeping will just have to wait :).

Dear Reader, please consider this your personal invitation to show up for peace this month and make your voice heard. If you need support, contact me for coaching at I’ll be honored to help you work on your vision for peace and move it into action. It takes a village. We don’t have to do it alone.


11 Days of Unity

When: September 11-21, 2016 (I am speaking on September 17th at 1PM EST)

Where: Online

Please join me for 11 Days of Global Unity, a free online event produced by The Shift Network in partnership with We, the World, part of the 5th annual Summer of Peace on September 11th to the 21st. I’m honored to be presenting among many brilliant change makers including Jane Goodall, Neale Donald Walsch, Tavis Smiley, Ocean Robbins, Audri Scott Williams, and others making progress on critical issues including the environment, health, human rights, women’s equality, economic justice, and peace, to name a few.

I will be interviewed about one of the most inspiring women on the planet today: Mata Amritanadamayi Devi affectionately known as Amma. If you follow this blog, you’ve heard me speak about her often. Together with Swamini Krishnamrita Prana, Amma’s senior disciple and personal attendant, we will be discussing the work that she and her charitable organizations are doing to empower women. I know that this interview, conducted by Rick Ulfik of We, The World, will inspire you. The theme of the summit is “From Vision to Action,” and I will be speaking on September 17th, the Day of Women.

If you are interested, please RSVP here for 11 Days of Global Unity — at no cost.


Vigil 4 Peace & Ecology

When: September 18, 2016 (9AM - 5PM EST)

Where: The Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park, New York City

If you are in New York City on September 18th, please join me for a one-of-a-kind event celebration in the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park with the Vigil 4 Peace & Ecology. This transformational, grassroots effort dedicated to promulgate peace through participation in art, song, dance, music, prayer, and ceremony was founded by Susana Bastarrica. It’s purpose is to awaken humanity to harmony and peace through the power of intent and celebration. The event is free, so tell your friends and stop by for a peaceful moment in your day.


Connect for Peace

When: September 20, 2016 (4:30PM - 7:30PM EST)

Where: Union Square, New York City

I am excited to invite you to our signature Connect for Peace event in Union Square, NYC, on September 20th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Presence yourself as a force for good as you join the beautiful and talented singer/songwriter Jess Domain, visionary Rick Ulfik, founder of We, The World, brilliant composer and DJ Peter Lobo, myself, and more like-minded people for an uplifting experience.

Forget your cares and worries, your plans and pursuits of the day. Take a moment to connect for peace. Tell the person in front of you, "I see you" and be seen in return. The bungee cords we use physicalize the invisible connections between us all, as you experience in your body what it feels like to be connected and supported by everything and everyone around you. Whether you watch or participate, you will feel the power. Listen to what participants to our first event have to say in the video here.


International Day of Peace

When: September 21, 2016

Where: All around the world including your home

How will you celebrate the International Day of Peace on September 21st? Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, the General Assembly declared this day to be devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”

Peace Day provides a date for all of humanity to commit to Peace, to rise above our differences, and build a Culture of Peace. This year’s theme is Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace. Events are happening all around the world, so please join one or create your own. Whatever you choose to do, please pause for a Minute of Silence / Moment of Peace at 12 noon, your local time. Contemplate, pray, visualize peace, reflect, or meditate for one minute on the 21st. If you want to create your own event for peace, feel free to use the resources provided by Peace One Day to help get you started and organized.

Please pass this blog on to as many people as you can. Let’s join together this month and bring our beautiful planet just a little closer to world peace.
