Focus: Peace

From left to right, top to bottom: Deborah Moldow, Jonathan Granoff, Swami Dayamrita Chaitanya, Joumana Rizk, Debbie Ford, Meggan Watterson, Dena Merriam, Chloe Breyer, ALisa Starkweather, James O'Dea, Rick Ulfik, Kurt Johnson, Robert Thurman, Audrey Kitagawa, Katherine Woodward Thomas
Peacelights and We, The World partnered to offer Focus: Peace, a series of daily tele-seminar phone calls from December 7 to December 21, 2012. Every day we gathered virtually for a short 20 minutes to meditate together and be the peace we wish to see in the world. Calls began with a 10 minutes teaching by some of the most amazing writers, teachers and peace makers of our time, followed by a 5 minutes meditation on peace, and prayers for peace in our planet. Featured speakers were:
- Rev Deborah Moldow, World Peace Prayer Society’s UN Representative
- Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute
- Swami Dayamrita Chaitanya, Director of Amma's Center of North America
- Joumana Rizk, founder and directress of Peacelights
- Debbie Ford, best selling author, speaker and coach
- Meggan Watterson, founder of REVEAL: The Next Generation of Feminine Spirituality
- Dena Merriam, founder and convener of The Global Peace Initiative of Women
- Chloe Breyer, Executive Director of the Interfaith Center of New York
- ALisa Starkweather, founder of the Red Tent Temple Movement
- James O’Dea, Director of Amnesty International and peace teacher and activist
- Rick Ulfik, founder and director of We, The World
- Kurt Johnson, Co-Founder of Coalition OneVoice and teacher of Integral Spirituality
- Robert Thurman, Buddhist writer and co-Founder of the Tibet House
- Audrey Kitagawa, spiritual leader
- Katherine Woodwoard Thomas, therapist and bestselling author
Inspired by the words of Amma, the revered humanitarian and spiritual teacher from India, Focus: Peace aimed to bring together like minded people to usher in a new era of peace and co-creation.