Focus: Peace
Peacelights and We, The World partnered to offer Focus: Peace, a series of daily tele-seminar phone calls from December 7 to December 21, 2012. Every day we gathered virtually for a short 20 minutes to meditate together and be the peace we wish to see in the world. Calls began with a 10 minutes teaching by some of the most amazing writers, teachers and peace makers of our time, followed by a 5 minutes meditation on peace, and prayers for peace in our planet. Featured speakers were:
- Rev Deborah Moldow, World Peace Prayer Society’s UN Representative
- Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute
- Swami Dayamrita Chaitanya, Director of Amma's Center of North America
- Joumana Rizk, founder and directress of Peacelights
- Debbie Ford, best selling author, speaker and coach
- Meggan Watterson, founder of REVEAL: The Next Generation of Feminine Spirituality
- Dena Merriam, founder and convener of The Global Peace Initiative of Women
- Chloe Breyer, Executive Director of the Interfaith Center of New York
- ALisa Starkweather, founder of the Red Tent Temple Movement
- James O’Dea, Director of Amnesty International and peace teacher and activist
- Rick Ulfik, founder and director of We, The World
- Kurt Johnson, Co-Founder of Coalition OneVoice and teacher of Integral Spirituality
- Robert Thurman, Buddhist writer and co-Founder of the Tibet House
- Audrey Kitagawa, spiritual leader
- Katherine Woodwoard Thomas, therapist and bestselling author
Inspired by the words of Amma, the revered humanitarian and spiritual teacher from India, Focus: Peace aimed to bring together like minded people to usher in a new era of peace and co-creation.